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Have you ever thought about how to use your VA educational benefits for a law license? Check out this article that lays out some tips for pursuing a degree in law. https://collegerecon.com/from-active-duty-to-active-law-license/
It wasn't exactly a "normal" CCME, but it was closer. OCP teamed up with the Texas A&M System to present the 2021 findings from Completing the Mission III: The Impact of the COVID Pandemic on Student Veterans and Campus Services Report. While the session was remote, we had the opportunity to meet up with some wonderful colleagues visiting or living in the DC region. Among them were several, we've only met on ZOOM! All in all, it was a great few days connecting and reconnecting with a group of professionals committed to student veteran's success. I think we can all agree that we're looking forward to San Antonio when we'll all be back in person!
It's not that often OCP Director Wendy Lang - a lifelong equestrian - has the chance to mix her favorite passions - horses and the military. On June 25th, that's exactly what happened. With the assistance of the 87th PAO office at JB Mcguire-Dix-Lakehurst, we assisted in the horse show in their Friday day kick-off ceremony. A1C Matt Porter volunteered himself and his amazing voice to the event and had a VIP tour. The show is held annually at the NJ Horse Park and founded by a decorated WWII veteran. What a special way to remember COL James Marsh. Thank you, A!C Porter and the 87th PAO office, for this wonderful collaboration.